How to choose the best domain name for your blog in 2019 that will be loved by your readers
Choosing a domain name carelessly can decrease your site reputation & rank. That is why pros are giving you nice tips to choose an amazing domain name.
I will give you practical & psychological tips to choose a domain name that you never heard from any pro (probably).
1. Go for branded domain names. If you are doing blogging or business in a special niche then you need to show that you are a brand ambassador of that niche.
- If your blog is about health then don't keep its name as "HEALTH.COM" keep it as "" or "queen's" or"". These look branded.
- After choosing a niche to start blogging search different language dictionaries (for example Sanskrit, Chinese, Latin) and choose a catchy & branded looking word for your blog.
- For example, If you translate English name of health to Sanskrit then you will get a super brand name . health = SWASTHYA (in Sanskrit)
- Which appears more branded "Health" or "SWASTHYA" (Comment box ↓)
2. Stop adding numbers to a domain name. Numbers like 123, 09,07, 10 appear fake to users.
If you have a movie site & its domain name is then people will try to avoid your site. (because adding numbers to domain name decreases loyalty of domain)
- Never keep your domain name as DOMAIN123.COM or DOMAIN09.COM
- Adding numbers to domain name decreases user interest for your site. If all domain names for your desired sites are bought already then choose a different domain name (but never add numbers)
3. Never keep irrelevant names as a domain name. I mean if your blog is about tech then keep the domain name that exactly or relatively matches with your topic.
- If you keep your tech blog domain name as "" that never matches your topic then less user will engage with your blog.
- Exact keyword in a domain name will help you to attract more readers to your blog.
4. Adding a keyword to a domain is no more a ranking factor. But you must add a keyword in the domain name to get more exposure & viewers.
What I got was shocking. A keyword-domain ranked in search box instead of an article |
- Suppose someone wants to learn tech tips what he will search on the internet? Obviously, he will these on search engines:- latest tech tips, Tech tips, Best tech tips, Best tech tips & tricks
- By adding keywords in the domain name you are increasing your specialty
- If a newbie search latest health news then he will check domain name of that article (if domain name contains a keyword or not)
- If the domain name contains a keyword then he will click on it without any second thought.
- By adding a keyword to your domain name you proved to your readers that you are a specialist in that field.
- And users always click on articles which are specific. (mostly keyword specific domain names)
5. Add your name to domain name. The name is a valuable thing for search engines. I am not recommending to add your name to the business website but you should add your name to your domain name if it is a personal blog or normal blog.
- If a new user get satisfied with the content that you provided then next time he will try to search a niche article by your name
- Suppose a user get satisfied with this article then next time he will search "HOW TO CHOOSE A DOMAIN NAME -BY ABINASH KUMAR PARIDA"
- Your victory is near if users try to search your blogs by using your name.
6. Avoid domain names that contain the repetitive use of i,s,e & l
Users often mistype domain names that contain these ↑ letters in a word repeatedly.
Keep in mind that "l" & " i " appears same most of the time. That creates confusion in users mind. If they read your domain name for the first time then they will mistype for sure.
Keep in mind that "l" & " i " appears same most of the time. That creates confusion in users mind. If they read your domain name for the first time then they will mistype for sure.
For example, the word "Philippines" contains a number of "i" & "l" which will confuse new readers. Even I did spelling mistake while writing the name Philippines for the first time.
7. Avoid some characters. adding "&" (ampersand) to domain name decreases typing speed
Users will avoid typing your domain name if you add "&"
Most users don't like to type AMPERSAND (&) while typing any domain name
8. Long words are not good.
⚠️Longwordsconfuseusersmostoftimesandtheycannotreadyourdomainnamewithoutspendingsomeenergyonbrain (Long words confuse users most of the times. They cannot read your domain name without spending some energy on the brain-work)
- That is why I am advising you never keep the long domain name. If you are keeping a long domain name then separate each word with "-". So users can easily read your domain name.
9. After choosing domain name type it in the search box or ask friends to review your domain name (never ask your BFF). If your domain name is fast (easy for typing) then you should prefer that domain name.
- Easy typing means users will type your DOMAIN NAME often which will give a boost to your blog.
10. Among .com,.org, net,.gov,.edu &.io always choose the one which reflects your intention
- Org, gov, edu sites rank faster but search engines will penalize your site if you misuse them.
- If your site is an Organization that works for people then you should use .org.
- If you keep .org for a tech blog then Google & other search engines will de-rank your site.
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